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  • beinthemo

Why do yin yoga? What are the health benefits?

Summary of Benefits of yin yoga are:

  • Balancing your energy as modern day life tends to be more yang

  • Improving overall body flexibility

  • Natural mindful practice reducing stress, depression and anxiety

  • Increases a sense of calm in your life

  • Increasing and improving joint mobility

  • Improving circulation and breath 

We rush from A to B have an overloaded inbox in modern day life. The education system is all Yang competitive based. Sport is usually yang based so we need to balance this all out with a little more yin and why yin is in!

Yin Yoga increases mindfulness

Yin yoga lets you drop into your intuitive, mindful self. It is a passive style of exercise dominantly yin energy based. The muscles always strive to perform our yang exercise regime now have some down time, allowing yin to step in! What does this mean?

Yin Yoga increases mobility and overall health

The static duration of a yin poses held from approx 3-15 minutes allows the muscles to stop being activated stressing the connective tissue often referred to as soft tissue, know as fascia. This has a healing affect on the body and allows overall more range and health.

After releasing a yin yoga pose the sensations are often referred to as inner tingling, warm, expanding, contracting and in my experience a swoosh sound! This is the fascia releasing toxins and healing.

Why do I cry in Yin Yoga sometimes

Some participants may have emotional responses in the poses or rest between poses, and even have tears release. The body keeps the score is a term meaning that there may be some emotional trauma stored or toxin build up in the soft tissue, the fascia, and these are now having the opportunity to release. Talk with your yoga teacher, as this is completely normal and they can help you navigate your experience.

Want to try a class for yourself, and this amazing healing modality?

Email or phone Lisa our registered Yin Professional on our contact page and see where the next class will be held on the timetable page here

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